
Friday, July 31, 2009

"Friday Night Knitting Club" {by Kate Jacobs} Book Club Ideas

Our June Book Club started out like any other. Ladies starting to arrive at 7:00, too many treats and snacks in the kitchen to tempt and nibble on, and gathering around my living room coffee table to get ready to discuss the book of the month. But what these ladies didn't know was that Kellie Hall and I had secretly planned a surprise! We found out that on Kate Jacob's website (the author of the book we were reading) you could request to have Kate call into your book club! SO FUN! So Kellie Hall sent in the request but then we waiting for a week and heard nothing. Sad. Then, at the last second, an hour before book club started we got an email saying that Kate would try to call my house around 8:00!! Sweet!

When the phone did ring at 8:00 I think we all sat up a bit taller, smoothed out the wrinkles in our clothes, and put our plates of food down and cleaned our our teeth to make sure we looked presentable even though we knew Kate was CALLING us, not showing up at my front door!!! It was so exciting to have the author of the book calling MY house!! It was so much fun to be able to ASK any and all the questions we had about the book, characters, the movie that will be coming out soon (yes!), and knitting! We loved all the new incite that Kate brought to our discussion and we extremely grateful to her to make the time to call us during her busy schedule. Thank you to everyone in Book Club...I ADORE each and every one of you and I hope you know how important that first Tuesday of every month is to me, it makes me happy! :) {Kate Jacobs}
{This is the group shot we took and sent into Kate! She might put it on her website and I'll let you know if she does!}
{Here I am looking like a goober on the phone right after Kate called in}
{This is one of 'Dakota's' muffins that Bethany made! The recipe is in the back of the book}

{Candid shot of Robin enjoying our discussion with Kate}

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