
Saturday, September 5, 2009

"Nine Coaches Waiting" {by Mary Stewart} Book Club Ideas

Book Club on Tuesday was perfection. Bethany did a WONDERFUL job moderating our book, "Nine Coaches Waiting" with a PowerPoint presentation that helped to point out the authors use of analogies, symbolism, and patterns throughout the book. It was a perfect compliment to the food that was themed to mimic the French backdrop of the story! The pictures below were graciously taken by Bethany and each photo will make your mouth salivate! Thank you to everyone who came and brought such 'festive' food!

{Robin made these picture perfect mini Quiche's}
{Bethany brought these fun 'champagne' glasses with sparkling cider}
{Karen brought the tempting Cheese and Cracker platter}
{Bethany made these delightful crab topped cracker appetizers}
food ideas {French food wouldn't be complete without Eclair's}
FOOD IDEAS {Rachelle made this decorative Eclair cake}

food ideas
food ideas {Bethany was kind enough to include a 'prize' to the winner of her French Word Quiz which was this fabulous vase of flowers with a little orange surprise in it!}


  1. kelly you do such a great job with the blogging i just love it. thank you for all you do with book club. i really loved this book and the club was awesome that night. yall who couldn't make it sure missed out.

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