
Saturday, July 10, 2010

"Goose Girl" {by Shannon Hale} Book Club Ideas

We had a GREAT Book Club on Tuesday as we discussed "Goose Girl" By: Shannon Hale.  We had many differing opinions, views, perspectives and comments which always makes for a juicy Book Club!  When all was said and done I think we all agreed that this book was a really fun retelling of the original Grimm's Fairy Tale filled with a lot of imagination with a touch of magic.
Goose Girl=Sweet
I didn't take many photos of the food because I was too busy eating it!  The IZZE drinks I got seemed like a perfect antidote for a hot summer day...or for my over heated home because the A/C was broken for a couple of hours!
I can't believe my Mom and I BOTH won the quiz prizes!  We each won a different Shannon Hale book! 
Thanks again Mandi for doing such a super job as moderator and delighting us with that FUN quiz about the names of groups of animals since the book kept saying, "a gaggle of geese."
During this quiz we all learned that:
A group of frogs is called an "Army" of frogs
A group of hummingbirds is called a "Charm" of hummingbirds
A group of whales is called a "Gam" of whales
A group of kittens is called a "Kindle" of kittens
A group of swans is called a "Wedge" of swans.

I Love you girls and I can't wait until next month at Book Clubs first ever COUPLES BOOK CLUB!
(This should be interesting!)


1 comment :

  1. I had so much fun! Thanks for letting me join Libby for the fun evening. You guys are all incredibly smart women and I loved the discussion we had. Thanks again!


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