
Sunday, September 12, 2010

"The Help" {by Kathryn Stockett} Book Club Ideas

"The Help" turned out to be one POPULAR read because we had one of our largest meetings to date!
We ended up all having to squish into my little living room for the discussion but we made it work.

Jillian was our amazing Moderator for this book who guided us through the 60's with a wonderful power point presentation and discussion. She stocked my house FULL of these awesome candy cigarettes while 60's music was heard playing in the background setting the mood.
The Help Menu
The picture above represents what I ate for dinner that night!
Brooke brought her sweet sister Caitlin and Miranda brought her super cute friend Dallas.
Welcome to our crazy little Book Club girls!
Rachelle and Mandi enjoyed sipping on their classic Coke's
 and Robin brought her sweet little girl Charlotte, our youngest Book Klubber member! ;)
Angie, Jillian and Me looking classic in B&W
Kellie and Megan looking  beautiful
Karen enjoying the meeting 
Everybody really enjoyed the candy cigarettes...a little too much
Kellie Hall came totally decked out in 60's attire, I mean, she looked PERFECT! 
She could have totally slipped herself into a convenient time machine and zipped back into the 60's and blended right in with the ladies from  The Help right?
 (Don't question my "logic", just go with it.)
There were 3 great Give a way prizes:

1.)Kate won To Kill a Mockingbird (first book Abilene borrowed from the Library)
I didn't get pictures of who won the other prizes but
Jillians Sister in-law Jamie won the Bridge card game with instructions
and Shalease won the infamous Chocolate Pie!
Two fabulous ladies
Thank You Jillian for doing such a wonderful job Moderating, all your work was noticed and appreciated!


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