
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"Sarah: Women of Genisis" {by Orson Scott Card} Book Club Ideas

This picture represents our December book club at a glance

We kept with book club traditional and had Chocolate and Cheese Fondue
(Thanks again to Mindy May and Libby for preparing it!!)


Kellie Hall and Cassandra enjoying the eats

Sandra, Shalease and Libby

Let's eat!

Libby, looking beautiful as always

Some of the girls

My Mom and me.
She's one of the only ORIGINAL Book Klubbers!

Here are some more sweet faces and beautiful smiles!
(Book Club Girls are the Best!)

Mindy W, Kellie H, and Rachelle

Get ready for the Book Club Boutique!
It was a huge success!
Thanks again to Cassandra, Libby, Rachelle and Nicole for participating.
(And thanks to anyone who bought some Usborne books from me!)

Oh yea...
...this is a book club after all...
 maybe we should start discussing this months book!
We read, "Sarah: Women of Genesis" By: Orson Scott Card and loved it!
We gave it about a 4.5 star review.

After our great discussion we set our plates and books aside so we could dive into our traditional white elephant gift exchange.
This year's theme was "FAVORITE THINGS."
Everyone had to come with one of there favorite things and write why it was and we had to guess who it belonged to.
(Everyone guessed mine gift right off...I brought a huge container of Jelly Bellies)
I hope everyone had an enjoyable experience at book club this month and had a wonderful Christmas season to boot!
Lastly, I want to Thank ALL of you for making 2010 such a memorable, extraordinary and fun book club year, I am so grateful for our (not so little anymore) book club and look forward to our meetings each month where I can see each and everyone one of you again to dive into our charming book choices.
I hope you all know by now that I truly cherish our group and would not be who I am today with out it and without each of you who have made so many differences in my life.
Thank You, and I love you.
I hope that 2012 will continue to push and stretch our imaginations, our discussions, our perceptions and opinions, our friends and our love for reading a good book.

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