
Wednesday, March 16, 2011


"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
and renaming our book clubs doings."
 -Lewis Carroll
(From Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, 1872)

The time has come to rename our beloved book club. "Book Klubbers" has been good to us but I feel that this is the right time to ask all of you to help participate in finding a name more suited to who we are now as a group of fabulous women who love to party, who delight in good food, who relish in learning and who love to read. 

I have considered many alternate names over the past year but felt that opening up and brainstorming of ideas with all of you amazing and creative ladies a better plan!

So, a deals a deal. You ALL agreed at our last meeting that you would do your best to contribute your own suggestions HERE on our blog where we could all feed off one anther's thoughts and ideas to hopefully come up with our permanent book club name so DON'T BE SHY, ALL OF YOUR IDEAS ARE GOOD IDEAS! You never know which of your ideas might inspire an idea for someone else.
 In return, I will reward the 1 or 2 ladies who come up with our new name with a $25.00 gift card to either Barnes & Noble or Amazon, your choice!

Rev up your inspiration, start your creative engines and let the contest begin!

*The contest will end on promptly on April 3rd at midnight


  1. Okay know how I feel about putting myself out there. But here are a few ideas:
    -Ladies of Literature
    -Delicious Reads

  2. Ok, you asked for it. No holds barred. Feel free to edit or fix any to fit.


    Belletrista Banter (great meaning! look it up)

    B.A.G Lady club (books are good)

    Booked for Life

    WOW club (women of words)

    Club of Novel Ideas (CNI)

    The View(point)

    Legge Bello (beautiful read -in Italian of course)

  3. Okay here are a few ideas...
    Book Lovers
    I♥BOOKS (or i♥Books)
    Lit Love
    Lit Girls
    Book Hook
    Book Addicts
    All Things Books
    Devour Hour
    Book Groupies
    Book Extrav
    Page Turners
    Consumed Reader
    G.I.R.L.S. ex(Girls In Reading Literary Society)
    (i was trying to think of an acronym ending in L.S. to stand for Literary Society.) Maybe some of you can come up with some acronyms.

  4. Alright, I have…

    -Women of Words
    -League of Ladies
    -Ladies in Love with Literature
    -Literary Ladies
    -Beautiful Book Babes
    -Discussion Divas
    -Modern Literature

    I think it’s safe to say I got stuck on the ladies/women idea for this… ;P

  5. Hey Guys,

    Here is what I have so far...

    *Between The Lines
    *The Fringe
    *Pink Persuasion

    I feel like I have one on the tip of my brain. I am waiting patiently...I think it is gonna be a doozey! Ha!

  6. Here's a few I came up with:

    The Delicious Critic
    Scrumptious Criticism

    LOL. anyway. enjoy!

  7. Oh I have one more I just can't HELP but add...
    The Finer Things Club :)

  8. Okay so I love all of them so far. Shalese had a triple letter theme going. LLL and BBB loved them. So I had an idea how about...

    Deckled Edge or Deckled Edges

    Just because I love them!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. OK, along Kelly's lines, how 'bout

    Bookday Party Club
    Bookday Suits Club
    Feste libro (book party)
    Feste nacho libre (ok I'm kidding on that one)
    Book Crazee

  11. Okay so this isn't the doozey I have been waiting for...I think that one is still marinating! Ha...

    The Winding Word...


  12. BK Soiree
    We would keep the initials of "Book Klubber" but at the "soiree" to let people know our book club isn't any old book club ;)

  13. Ok how about

    Page Girls
    Wordy Women
    Parties for Pages or Page Parties
    Readers and Feeders
    Craving a Good Book
    Book Cravers
    Busy Bookies


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