
Thursday, June 23, 2011

"The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie" {by Alan Bradley} Book Club Ideas

{I laugh every time I read that quote!}
Our book for May was "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie: by Alan Bradley and oh, how sweet it was to read.  I think we ALL fell in love with the curious, spunky and precocious 11 year old main character, Flavia de Luce! 
Reading this book was a real treat.

"I wish I could say I was afraid, but I wasn’t. Quite the contrary. This was by far the most interesting thing that had ever happened to me in my entire life"

{Before I discuss the rest of this fantastic book club, I just wanted to mention that you can print off "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie" character list HERE. It's super cute so check it out!}

Bethany did a fantastic job of Moderating this book as she transported my home and our minds back to the 1950's where we could ride our imaginary bikes right along Flavia and Glady's as we got settled into our discussion!

Bethany turned my ordinary kitchen table into Flavia's chemistry lab.

And then there was the FOOD...
Oh, the mouth watering, scrumptious, delicious FOOD was unbelievable!
{Rachelle, that "Jack Snipe Pot Pie" was unreal...YUMM!}
Bethany's Mom Becky brought these whimsical and tasty "Tea Sandwiches" in all sizes, flavors and colors that were a delight to have on our plates! 
So pretty...
And of course we had to have CUSTARD was Flavia's favorite after all.
(Said with sarcasm)

Thanks Mom for making such a delicious "Cucumber Patch Salad," it was so refreshing!

I decided to surprise everyone by asking JILLIAN to create a decorator cake to commemorate the official beginning of the Delicious Reads Book Club!
It turned out beautifully.
Thank You Jillian for making my cake dreams come true!!
"Book Klubbers" will always be apart of who we are but I'm excited to see what new memories and creativity we come up with as new 'Delicious Reads"members!

Bethany started off her presentation with a unique and very Flavia type of game!
Periodic Bingo!!
Through Bethany's presentation she had certain words and names highlighted that meant is was a player on our cards. So through out the discussion when anyone got 4 in a row we would hear, "BINGO!!"

Bethany gave-a-way four fabulous prizes that included:
1. The third book in the Flavia de Luce series
2. An old "kerosene lamp" filled with orange M&M's to look like light
3. Sleuth notebook + Pecan Pie to nibble on while spying
4. A Sherlock Holmes book + cherry pie to nibble on while reading

I took a picture of my Bingo card to show the cute black Jelly Bellies Bethany provided to mark our squares
{I may have eaten a few...but I couldn't help myself, their JELLY BELLIES!!!

Lisa, Nicole and Betsy.
We are so glad to have you!
Karin, Becky, and Kitch
It was SO fun to have Bethany's mom and sister visit!

Cassandra and her super cute Mom, Chelo!

Helen, Kellie, Rachelle and Me
Love these girls!
Thanks for visiting us Helen, come anytime!

Shalease and Jillian

It wouldn't be book club if Griffin wasn't half asleep on my mom!

Kellie and I love snapping pictures together at book club!
"I found a dead body in the cucumber patch,' I told them. How very like you,' Ophelia said, and went on preening her eyebrows."
 And with that, I will end by saying,
XoXo, Kelly


  1. Love love love the periodic table bingo. I simply must steal this idea from you at our book club for Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie this month! Is there any chance I could get a download of it to save the recreating?
    Don't mind giving full credit on my blog:

    pretty please?


  2. Rebecca,
    I emailed the girl who Moderated this book so I will let you know what she says! Do you have an email you want me to reply back to you with? Thanks so much for stopping by Delicious Reads!!

  3. Hi Kelly!
    I posted on your Facebook page, you are a sweetheart for trying so hard to find me. My email is I've left this so late that I'm going to try to recreate the idea myself. It won't be half as good though. It's a genius idea.

  4. Sorry for getting back to you so late but the girl who moderated this book is in the process of moving out and moving into her new house and she finally got a chance to look at her computer this weekend! Unfortunately, she said that she did not save those bingo files cards which makes you and me sad. :(

  5. Oh, that's too bad. I'm making my own version now, so I'll be sure to link to your site and post it for download. Please thank her for the idea - it's awesome.

  6. That would be awesome Rebecca, thank you!! I can't wait to see what you come up with!


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