For this month's book we picked Veronica Roth's new dystopian book, "Divergent" which is an action packed page turner from start to finish. (At least, that's what I thought about it but I'm excited to see our official book club review of the book will say!)
Having the guys join our meeting this month made for some really interesting discussions and I think most of us walked away feeling like we really got into the "nitty gritty" of Roth's writing and the world of Divergent. |
Kellie Hall was the moderator for this book and she really went above and beyond to make it special!
Right when we walked into her house she had this great faction ceremony table set up complete with different Divergent tattoos we could pick from to wear! |
Do you like my Tris inspired tattoo?
Check out Eric's AWESOME Erudite tatt!
Here's part of the group eating our delicious dinner of Hamburgers with ALL the accompanying sides. (Thanks again to everyone who helped by bringing food.)
(If you've read Divergent you'll understand why we picked hamburgers as our main dish!)
*Sorry there aren't any food pictures, I completely forgot to snap a couple in all the commotion! |
Here are some more lovely book clubbers enjoying their meal and delightful conversation.
{Bryce+Mandi} {Eliza+Jude} |
Some of my favorite girls...
{Kitch, Bethany, Elisabeth and me} |
Owwww, owwww....look at this watering hole of handsome men!
Thanks to all the guys for supporting your girls and book club by coming to our meeting, we LOVED having you and hope to see you again at our next couples book club in 2012!
(Mistborn is going to make a great book club!) |
Here's a group shot of all the lovely ladies!
*I think our boys are pretty lucky...we are a bunch of cuties! ;)
Kellie started off the night with a TOUGH quiz that sent every ones minds to work!
(I thought I knew the book pretty well but that quiz was brutal!)
There were three winners:
Eric was the big first place winner with 42 points (if I remember correctly) which was a GREAT score considering how tough Kellie's quiz was!
He won a basket of goodies along with a special leather bound edition of The Interview with the Vampire Chronicles, just in time for Halloween! |
Karen won second place landing her a basket of goodies along with next years couples book club book, 'Mistborn."
Lucky Shalease took home the third place prize winning yet again! Shalease always does her homework before she comes to book club and apparently it pays off! ;) |
Here's a few things from the book we discussed:
-We talked that Veronica Roth has sold the rights for Divergent to become a movie to Summit Entertainment and its in the early stages of development already!
-Why do you think that the Factions can’t seem to get along? Do you they have wondered too far from their manifestos?
-Could you choose as Tris did to leave your Family to join another Faction that you are more suited for?
-Which Faction would you choose and is it the same as the Faction you got on your Aptitude Test?
-What did you think of Tris and Four's relationship? What did you like about it or what bothered you?
-We talked about Tris's fears, the fear landscape before asking the group, "What do you think your fears would be?"
-What do you think of the world that Divergent is set in, does it seem believable to you?
- On Pg 128 of Divergent we find out that there is a lock on the outside of the fence that's being guarded. Why is the lock on the outside and why are they keeping everyone locked in?
-There are a lot of characters that die in this book, did it bother you or just add to the story?
-What do you think happened to the society for them to be where they are now? How did it all begin?
Kellie and I worked together creating these themed take home bags for each couple to remember the evening. |
Inside each bag was:
1. Veronica Roth's 'official' Divergent playlist (LOVE!)
2. Some more faction tattoos (which I may have put on the next day)
3. Three origami crows (symbolic of overcoming our own fears)
4. And, a large syringe full of orange liquid in case anyone wanted to try out their own fear landscape! (No thanks.)
Here's a picture of the cover I created for the playlist. |
You are the BEST book club VP anyone could ever ask for! ;)
XoXo, Kelly |
All of the printables and PowerPoint we used from our Divergent book club can be found HERE
If you would like a copy of the entire faction manifesto that I spent hours creating just for YOU then you can find that
This is really cool. I wish there was a book club around my college. I also loved the book!!
Where did you get the tattoos?? So cool!
Ashley, we made our own tattoos with washable tattoo paper. You just buy the paper and print off what you want and there you go!
Awesome! Doing the same for my book club! Thanks!
I love my bookclub....but you guys are amazing!
Would you mind mailing me the file for your amazing cover you created for the playlist? Your design is simply AWESOME!
Sure Jules, I just need your email and I can send it right over!
Thank you so much!!!! You are the greatest!!!
Is it possible that you could send me a copy of the quiz that you used? With answers too in case i don't know them. =) I am hosting book club tomorrow.
What a really fun book club! You guys really know how to party! I would also love a copy of the quiz if you could send it to me!
Beth Ann Sands
awesome book club! is it possible for you to send me a copy of october of the playlist? thank you verojuan21@hotmail.com
Is there any way I can have the images for the ravens so I can do this too? They are awesome!
Awesome! Our Divergent party is coming up. If you have time I would love a copy of the quiz as well. If not that's fine too. Thanks for the aweseome ideas!
Kelly you are so creative! I am hosting a Divergent book club tomorrow night and would love to use some of your goods if you wouldn't mind sharing;-)Can you send me your quiz, tattoo art and cd cover? If it's too much I understand. Any of the above would be great!!!
I guess it would help to have my email:-) ocjenmartha@gmail.com
Angela, I'm happy to email you the raven images to you! What email address do you want me to send them to?
Christina and Jen, I'm sorry for the late reply but I've just emailed you both, let me know if theres anything else you need!
Kelly, your party looks fantastic!!
I would LOVE a copy of the ravens and the quiz as well, if you don't mind. lanielove1@msn.com
Also, did you make the faction tattoos yourself? I have been looking everywhere for ones like them.
Kelly- your book club looked amazing! If you are willing I'd love to have a copy of the quiz ravens image and Cd cover. Is the faction quiz in the book? I read it on my kindle so I'm not sure. Thanks! My email is mcniki1@gmail.com
No problem Lanie and Niki! I just emailed you, let me know if you need anything else!
I am hosting a book club at my house in a few weeks and you've given me some great ideas. I was hoping you would send me the quiz and answers. My email is akmcpeake@click1.net.
Sure thing Anna, I'll send it right now!
Hey Kelly! We are starting a book club and our first book is Divergent! I am so excited and your post has inspired me to take our meeting to the next level!
I was wondering if you could send me the birds and the quiz?? I'd really appreciate it! amber724@gmail.com Thanks for the info about the printable tattoos, that's awesome!!
Thanks a bunch!
I just sent you an email Amber, hope your book club is a success!
I love everything about this! My book club has read the first two books of the series and are getting together tomorrow night. I'd love the quiz questions and answers and the CD cover, if possible. Thank you so much! Such a great, fun party! And I love that the husbands were included. We've never thought to do that before. Email is shannon.godfrey@hotmail.com. Thanks!
You are so sweet, thank you Shannon! I just sent you an email with the quiz and playlist, I hope it helps your evening be extra special!
HI! I love what you did with your book club. How creative and clever! I am hosting a couples book club for this book next month and would LOVE your material if you dont' mind sharing?? Thank you in advance! disneymaman@yahoo.com
I'm going to be doing a book discussion over Divergent for a group of teens at the library I work for. Would you be able to send me your tattoo art, quiz & answers? I think it would be a hit with the teens! Thanks so much!
My e-mail is: kellys0384@gmail.com
I've sent you and email Nancy and Kelly, hope that info helps!
Now I'm asking for some help as well! You have truly inspired me for my upcoming book club! Could I also get some goods emailed to me, i.e. tattoo art, quiz, playlist? Thanks!! acofoster@gmail.com
I am hoping to help revamp interest in our book club and would love some of these ideas for the book club I am hosting on Jan. 21st on Divergent. If/when you get a chance could you send me your playlist/cover, quiz, and tattoo art? Thank you very much!!!
I am hosting book club for Divergent tomorrow. Can you please send me the quiz that you used???
Thank you.
HI! I love your ideas! Could I get a copy of the images you used for the tattoos? I would also love your quiz and answers and any of the other printable stuff you used. We are having some teenage girls over to discuss the book and they will love your ideas! Thanks!
Valaney :)
LOVE LOVE LOVE all your ideas. I too would also like the images used for the crow tattoos and the quiz/answer sheet. We are having a divergent party for my daughters 15th birthday. I think the kids would love these !!! Thank you sooooooo much.
No problem Valaney and Sue, I just emailed you ladies! Hope you both have great parties, I'd love to see pictures if you post them!
Hi Kelly,
I'm hosting a Divergent Book Club and love your ideas/party! Thanks for making it easy to download your files. Can you email me the images that you used for the factions and ravens at catherjL@yahoo.com? Also, was there a certain brand of that you used for the washable tattoo paper? Thanks!
This looks like it was so much fun! I am hosting a Divergent Book Club at my house next week and would love a copy of the quiz/answers if you are willing to share! lynette.andreasen@gmail.com
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