
Friday, November 11, 2011

"The Woman in White" {by Wilkie Collins} Book Club Ideas

 "This is the story of what a Woman's patience can endure, and what a Man's resolution can achieve..."(I loved that first line from "The Woman in White.")


Making a few final adjustments to turn my house into the perfect "Gothic manor."

The dining table where the murder mystery took place.
Notice the woman in white in the background?

Robin was in charge of Moderating this book and WOW, did she knock every one's socks off with her creativity, time and energy that she put into this meeting!
Robin made this unbelievable "Clue" game based on the book that turned out amazing! It was so much fun to play, we couldn't stop the giggles!

There were character cards with a card for each character from the book, possible locations where the death could have taken place and cards detailing all the ways the mystery person could have died. Then we played.

We went for an Italian menu including "woman in white sauce with noodles!"

Angie won the prize for  BEST COSTUME and Lisa won for the BEST PLAYED CHARACTER!
Angie played Count Fosco and Lisa played Mr. Hartright.

I LOVE this picture of Kellie who played her part PERFECTLY as the Woman in White!

The Whole gang of misfits!


  1. I still can't believe how amazing you girls were for playing along. I know some of you were out of your comfort zone and some of you love to dress up, but either way, you all looked amazing! I love how everyone tried (and some were quite successful) at mimicking their characters and the accents were amazing. Kellie, I still can't get over what a great Woman in White you made with those huge, gorgeous eyes! Angie, you were the best Count Fosco I could have hoped for (still giggling...). Betsy, thanks for coming despite a busy night and totally pulling together a perfectly quaint outfit. Lisa, I knew your Italian influence would be great in your food and I still can't get over what a great actress you were. Kelly, your outfit was to die for! Karen, thanks for being willing to go out of your comfort zone so perfectly. And everyone else, thanks for coming and making it a memorable night!

  2. this looked amazing! and kellie was the perfect woman in white!!!!


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