
Thursday, January 24, 2013

"The Alchemist" {by Paulo Coelho} Book Club Ideas

 "And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
This was a perfect book to kick off 2013, it helped many of our members focus on new and old dreams, new goals and a deeper appreciation for what inspires them. I highly recommend reading this book in January to help you reflect on what you really want out of the year.

This is just a taste of the decorations
Robin Moderated this book beautifully. She requested an Egyptian menu {a first for our book club} was turned out super delicious!
The Menu:
-Aish Bread (Pita or flat bread)
-Ful Medames (Egyptian bean dish with rice)
-Molokhia Stew
-Cheese & Crackers
-Asiir Drink (fresh fruit drink) 
-Mint Tea
 {Bethany brought her Grandmothers antique teapot to serve the mint tea)

After we loaded up our plates with delicious eats we headed into the living room for some GREAT discussion. Robin handed out slips of paper with different questions about the book and we went around the room answering the questions and sharing our many thoughts on the book.
These pictures are from the graphic novel version of The Alchemist!
*And I want to give a special shout out to Jenny who volunteered (with just a little bit of coaxing from me) to blog for this book at the last second! Jenny did a wonderful and detailed book review! (The link to the review is at the bottom of this post)
I snapped a quick pic of these lovely ladies before the evening was over as we were wrapping things up.
"When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too." 

Read our full book review & star rating for The Alchemist HERE

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