Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A-Z Book Survey Fun 2013

I am happily participating in the A-Z Book Survey that I first saw on Caitlin Jacob’s Blog and then again on Brooke Hargett's Blog but that ORIGINALLY came from The Perpetual Page Turner’s blog!
This is an A-Z Survey on all things book related so button down your hatches and enjoy sailing through my book page filled ocean!

Author(s) you’ve read the most books from:

I can think of five authors I've read 5+ books from which are:
1. J.K. Rowling (The HP Series)
2. Cassandra Clare (The Mortal Instrument & Infernal Devices Series)
3. Alan Bradley (The Flavia De Luce Series, so charming)
4. Richelle Mead (Vampire Academy & Bloodlines Series)
5. Roald Dahl (Sorry, I'm counting him because his books taught me to LOVE reading!)

Best Sequel Ever:

Do people write sequels anymore?? It seems to me that every series now days has to be a trilogy! So I'm bending the rules a little (gasp!) and telling you my two favorite second books in a series instead.
1. I read the entire Gemma Doyle series (A Great & Terrible Beauty) but found that I loved the second book, "Rebel Angels" best! That almost never happens, usually I loath the second book in a series!
2. We read "Interview with the Vampire" for our book club in 2011 for Halloween and we all gave it around a 2.5 to a 3 star rating but I went ahead and read the next book "The Vampire Lestat" and couldn't read it fast enough! I loved learning about the history of vampires ALL the way back to the very first known vampire (according to Anne Rice!) 

Currently Reading:

Of Poseidon by Anna Banks
(It's better than I was anticipating!)

Drink of Choice While Reading:

I enjoy a cup of  hot or iced chai depending on the season as well as Starbucks passion fruit iced tea, so refreshing!

E-reader or Physical Book?

No contest, physical book. Can anyone explain to me why holding a "real" books makes such a difference??

Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated In High School:

I don't know, that's a hard one... can I just tell you who I hoped I would have dated in high school instead? (There I go bending the rules again)
I am in LOVE with Augustus Waters from "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green.
There I said it, he's adorable, funny, quirky, smart, unique, and perfect for the 18 year old version of myself if I could time travel back to high school.

Glad You Gave This Book A Chance:

1. Cinder by Marissa Myer-I was NOT expecting to enjoy this series as much as I do! Marissa does an excellent job of tying several odd story plots and elements together but she does it!
2. HARRY POTTER!!!! Can you believe that I resisted reading the most amazing book series that my generation will ever experience because there was "too much hype" around it?!? I was beyond annoyed by EVERYONE that kept telling me I had to read these HP books about wizards and magic etc. I resisted until the 4th book came out before I caved and WOW...what a game changer that was.

Hidden Gem Book:

I don't know how hidden it is but hardly anyone I know realizes that Oscar Wilde wrote a complete book of Fairy Tales and they are CHARMING! I adore Fairy Tales and especially when they are written by a fabulous writer like Oscar Wilde!

Important Moment in your Reading Life:

That would have to be when I re-discovered how much I LOVED reading in my first semester of my bachelor degree in college. I started reading this new book called, "Life of Pi" (that dates me) and fell in love with the power and beauty of words again. From that moment on I've never stopped reading.

Just Finished:

"Scarlet" (Book #2 in the Lunar Chronicles) by Marisa Meyer
Kinds of Books You Won’t Read:
I'll read just about anything with the exception of:
1. Erotica and other smutty books (sorry, not my thing)
2. I won't continue to read bad writing if I've already started a book

Longest Book(s) You’ve Read:

I've read a few books around 1000 pages or more:
1. The unabridged edition of "The Count of Monte Cristo" (1276 pages)
2. The unabridged edition of "Le Miserables" (1463)
3. And "Team of Rivals" (944 pages)


Major book hangover because of:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (#7)
I cried like a little book loving baby when I finished the final pages of that book...I just could not accept that it was OVER.
That there would be no more new Harry Potter books to anxiously look forward to for months and months! There wouldn't be another piece to the Harry and Voldermort puzzle...there would be NO MORE Harry, or Hermoine or Ron.
It was over.
A book series I had been following, loving and living for over 8 years of my life was just, done.
It broke my heart to say goodbye to my beloved Hogwarts friends and as you can tell, I'm still not completely over my loss.

Number of Bookcases You Own:

I currently have 5 full bookcases, one of which is packed full of only children's books.

One Book You Have Read Multiple Times:

I've read Cassandra Clare and J.K. Rowling's books multiple times, big surprise right?

Preferred Place To Read:

I cannot read in bed, I fall asleep!
I usually prefer to read on my couch after everyone else has gone to sleep.  I like to cozy up in my PJ's without a bra and a little stack of double stuffed golden Oreos as I get lost in the pages.

Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels from a book you’ve read:

“It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it.”
Oscar Wilde
The man's a literary genius

Reading Regret:

I don't regret reading many books. In fact, in the 350+ books I've read on GoodReads I only have 5 books in my "Wish I hadn't read" bookshelf. I won't share all five but one of the books I can not figure out WHY its considered to be classic is "The Catcher in the Rye!"
I'm sure I'll get lots of heat for saying that but it was the most pointless book I've ever read. Maybe I need someone to explain it to me but I just didn't enjoy it.
Okay, now you can throw you evil eye darts my way, I can take it...

Series You Started And Need To Finish (all books are out in series):

I need to finish the Starcrossed Series by Josephine Angelini! I read the first book when it first came out in 2011 and have yet to read the other two books. Naughty me! (Slapping myself on the wrist)

Three of your All-Time Favorite Books:

This is another tough question for a book lover, its like asking which of your children is your favorite when you know there are things you love about all of them for different reasons!
But if you were giving me an old fashioned indian burn and were forcing me to choose I'd pick:
1. [CLASSIC BOOK] "Sense & Sensibility" by Jane Austen. I just LOVE the girl drama, gossip, humor, interactions and ending of this book!
2. [YA BOOK] "The Infernal Devices Series" by Cassandra Clare. Sorry, you know I'm a rule breaker, you can't pick just one in the series!
3. [FICTION] "The Night Circus" by Erin Morgenstern, what a fantastical magical world she created that had my imagination soaring!


Unapologetic Fangirl For:

OBVIOUSLY I'm not afraid to admit that I love the Harry Potter books Original I know, but see for yourself in the photo proof below!
I literally cried with happiness on my pilgrimage to Florida where I got to visit Harry Potter land

I throw a huge Christmas party every year but my biggest was "Christmas at Hogwarts"

And here I am dressed up as Moaning Myrtle for a Harry Potter party.

Need I say anymore about how much of a Harry Potter fan I am?

Very Excited For This Release More Than All The Others:

"Lady Midnight" (The Dark Artifices Series) by Cassandra Clare
Not due to come out until 2015!!!
It starts five years after the events of the Mortal Instruments as is told from the point of view of Emma Carstairs. And guess what...she is falling in love with her best friend Julian who also happens to be her parabatai (gasp!) Which as you know, is forbidden in the Shadowhunter world.


Worst Bookish Habit:

Maybe my intense NEED to discuss/analyze every book I read with SOMEONE!! (My poor husband has learned to just nod and tune me out!)

X Marks The Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book:

"The Merlin Trilogy" by Mary Stewart
(Still need to read that one)

Your latest book purchase:

I purchased Teri Harmans new book about witches, "Blood Moon" at her book signing at the charming King's English Book shop last month. And I am over the moon excited that she will be coming to our book club to discuss her book in October, perfect for Halloween don't you think?

ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY too late):

That would have to be "The Clockwork Princess" by Cassandra Clare. That was hands down one of the best twist endings I've EVER READ...it blew my literary mind.
I’d love to see yours if you do it too — link back to me and then leave your link in the comments so I can come visit yours!


The Winkels said...

This was so fun! Just did it!

Unknown said...

I loved reading your survey Mandi! I feel closer to you now that I know you also had a hard time saying goodbye to our Harry Potter friends.

Rachelle said...

Wow, Kelly! I loved reading that! Your passion for reading always inspires me to read MORE!!! Keep it up! xoxo

Unknown said...

Thanks Rachelle!

Anonymous said...

Kelly this was so fun to read! I just popped by the blog to see how the last few meetings have gone and lo and behold, you mentioned me! Ha. I'm so honored. :) I'll have to add you to my blog reader, I don't know why I haven't already done that. I miss book club! I love looking at all the fun pictures of food and decorations and reading the bookclub's reviews. :) What a magical thing you've created. Maybe someday I can come back for a visit. :)

Unknown said...

YES, when you come back from China you need to move to Utah JUST so you can came back to book club Caitlin!

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