Wednesday, November 13, 2013

2014 Book Sign Ups!

 Y'all better be mentally present today because it's time for 2014 book club sign ups to begin!
(Cue fireworks, jazz band and full chorus line)

I'm going to have a little book club cheerleading moment right now and tell you all to get involved and help make Delicious Reads the best it's ever been in 2014!  Expand your comfort zones, stretch your limits, try something new (you get the point) and sign up to MODERATE &  BLOG for our 2014 book club books!
"Gooooooooo book club!"
Don't be shy!

1. SIGNING UP: Leave a comment on this post letting me know which book(s) you would like to moderate and/or blog for (please specify.) I'll be updating this post with everyone's requests as I log in periodically through out the day

     2. REMEMBER: Please remember to check your calendars before you sign up for a specific month. Think about school, holidays, vacations etc. as your deciding which month to sign up for, to make sure you can commit to the evening of that book club. Obviously you can't know your entire schedule a year in advance and I don't expect you to and that's why are member's are so great about helping to fill in or switch when needed!
     3. HOSTESS OPTIONS: When you sign up to moderate a book, you can choose to either:
A.) Host the discussion at my house as usual
B.) You can host the discussion in your home or location of your choice.
*Please specify in your comments where you would like to host the meeting.
**It was very helpful this year to have a few months off of hosting but you know I love having y'all!

 Take a break from that good book your reading and let's do this!
January: "The Monuments Men"             
(Meet on Feb. 4th to discuss)
Moderator: Brittanie B.

Blogger: Jenny G.

February: "The Snow Child"             
(Meet on March 4th to discuss)
Moderator: Jenny G.

Blogger: Lisa T.

March: "Carter Beats the Devil"             
(Meet on April 1st to discuss)
Moderator: Kitch J.

Blogger: Summer B.

April: "Walt Disney: An American Original" 
(Meet on May 6th to discuss)
Moderator: Angie T.

Blogger: Jenny G.

May: "The Husband's Secret"             
(Meet on June 3rd to discuss)
Moderator: Kellie H. (at her house)

Blogger: Karen R.

June: "The Goldfinch"             
(Meet on July 1st to discuss)
Moderator: Brooke H.

Blogger: Elizabeth W.

July: "The Golem and the Jinni"             
(Meet on Aug. 5th to discuss)
Moderator: Robin K. (at her house)

Blogger: Shalease B.

August: "Ruin and Rising" (Releases in June) 
(Meet on Sep. 2nd to discuss)
Moderator: Jen C. (at her house)

Blogger: Robin K.

September: "The Haunting of Hill House"             
(Meet on Oct 7th to discuss)
Moderator: Bethany M.

Blogger: Angie T.


October: "Black Moon"             
(Meet on Nov. 7th to discuss)
Moderator: Kelly D.

Blogger: Brooke H.

November: "The Shadow on the Crown"             
(Meet on Dec 2nd to discuss)
Moderator: Brooke H. (at Kellie T's house)

Blogger: Brittanie B.

December: "The Eye of Minds"             
(Meet on Jan. 6th, 2015 to discuss)
Moderator: Shalease B.

Blogger: Robin K.


Author Robin King said...

I'll Moderate "Golem and Jinni" and I'll Blog "Ruin and Rising"

Unknown said...

Kellie is out of the country enjoying her anniversary but she asked to Moderate The Husbands Secret.

Shalease said...

I'll blog the Golem and the Jinni.
I'll moderate the Eye of Minds.

brittaniemarie said...

I'll moderate The Monuments of Men.

The Kitch said...

I'll moderate Monuments Men

The Kitch said...

oh shoot I didn't see someone else had already requested that. One minute before!

taylorz of lehi said...

I'll moderate House of the Scorpion and blog the Snow Child

Brooke Hargett said...

I'll moderate Carter Beats the Devil and Blog The Thirteenth Tale.

Jenny said...

I will moderate for Snow Child, and blog for Monuments Men.

Karen said...

I will blog for June The Husbands Secret

Jenny said...

I'll blog for Walt Disney

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Lawrence Jonish said...

Let's have a book club cheerleading moment and rally everyone to make Delicious Reads the best it has ever been in 2014! It's time to step out of our comfort zones, push our limits, and embrace new experiences. Join us in moderating and blogging about our 2014 book club books. Together, we can create a vibrant and engaging community. And for college students seeking creative assignment ideas for college students, this is the perfect opportunity to explore diverse literary themes and sharpen your analytical skills. Let's embark on this literary journey together!

Michael Findley said...

Y'all better be mentally present today because it's time for 2014 book club sign-ups to begin! Just like the complexities of international trade policies, selecting the right book can be quite a task. But, hey, if we can navigate through UK US steel tariffs , we can certainly pick some compelling reads for our club. Let's embrace this literary journey with the same enthusiasm we tackle economic challenges. Happy reading, everyone!

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