
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What's in your library bag?

Library list

I love reading with my children, it is usually a relaxing activity where they need nothing besides a nice snuggle and a good book. We read several times a day - almost always before nap/quiet time and bedtime.  So, we cycle through a lot of books. We enjoy regular trips to the library and we typically come home with a stack of at least 15 books. Often, I feel lucky if we like 4 or 5 of the books from the pile. Here is a tip that has changed our library visits.

Library Tip: Go online and reserve your books ahead of time. That way, you can pull your stack of books from the hold shelf and enjoy a search free outing. At that point, you and your children can look through the stacks together without the pressure of finding just the right book. My local library will hold books up to 7 days.

Here is a list of delicious reads to give you a jump-start!

Duck! Rabbit! by Amy Rosenthal (age 4-8 years)
It's a Duck, no it's a rabbit... My three year old and I play a version of Duck Rabbit in the car quite regularly.

Ava's Poppy by Marcus Pfister (2 and up)
It is about a cute little red-head and has beautiful art, so I am biased. It is a sweet story of spring.

Press Here  by Tullet Herve (2 and up)
To be completely honest, I liked reading this the first 2 times....but my three year old enjoyed it every time.

Wink: the ninja who wanted to be noticed by J.C. Phillips (3-5 years)
Wink is a thoughtful story of becoming who you are, not necessarily what everyone thinks you should be.

The Wall by Eve Bunting (4-8 years)
Since Memorial Day is this month, this book will be a good way to talk about the holiday. It is about a visit to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which happens to be one of my favorite memorials.

If You Give a Dog a Donut by Laura Numeroff (4-8 years)
I love donuts! This book is a string of adventure between a dog and a boy.

Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey (3 and up)
I grew up picking berries and visiting Maine so this book has a wonderful nostalgic feel for me. U pick berry season is just around the corner.

Otis by Loren Long (3-5 years)
Otis will win your heart over. The illustrations are whimsical and beautiful AND the story is fun to read - putt, putt, puttedy chuff. Can you hear the little tractor?

Fables by Arnold Lobel (4-8 years)
This was a surprise for me. My 3 year old loved the stories, I would not have thought of introducing fables this young, but they were a hit.

Maisy Goes on Vacation by Lucy Cousins (3-7 years)
This is a light, easy read. It is a simple preview of going on vacation, and it is definitely that time of year!

Library list
I hope this list makes your next library trip "the best ever" (as my 3 year old would say). Happy Reading!!

Warmly, Elizabeth

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